
How to Keep a Cat From Scratching Furniture? | Save Your Cat Claws

Cat Scratching Save Your Furniture And Your Cat Claws

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How to Keep a Cat From Scratching Furniture? You know how annoying it can be when you have an itch, but you can’t reach it to give it a scratch?

Well, when your cat has fleas, it’s like your problem, just multiplied a hundred times.

If your cat has fleas or ticks, you need to take action. If they are scratching or have irritated skin, your cats need you to bring this problem under control because it can become a much larger problem if you do not.

Even clean cats can end up with fleas. All it takes is a stray animal to come close enough to the cat. Or, the cat can pick them up outdoors as well. Even just one flea can leave many eggs and cause a full-scale attack on your pet.

To stop them before they start, you can use a product such as Frontline or Advantix. These are pre-measured liquid treatments that are applied directly to the cat’s skin and coat. When fleas get onto the pet, these products kill them before they can lay eggs. Those who want preventative measures for keeping the cat safe should use these.

For most though, it takes seeing the fleas to get them to start fighting them. If you see tiny black or brown insects on your animal, these are no doubt that your cat is flea-infested. If you do see them, realize that the problem is already big.

What you need to do is make sure to check your pet for fleas all the time. You can do this with a flea comb. Carefully comb through the cat’s hair and pay attention to the hair around the cat’s head and his belly. These are the ideal places for fleas to hide, including the ears, eyes, and nose. And, they like to burrow in the creases where the cat’s legs and body meet.

When combing your pet, if you find a flea, you know they are throughout his body. But, if you end up with a few black or brown specks, this too is a sign that they are hiding somewhere on the pet’s body.

To find them, run your hands over the cat’s body. Look for raised spots on him. If you find one or more, check it carefully to see if it has little legs. If so the cat has ticks. You’ll need to ask your vet about having the tick removed as you can not do this yourself without risking the tick’s head staying behind in your pet’s skin.

To get them under control, you’ll need to use one of the liquid flea and tick treatments. You can also use flea or tick collars and baths as well. If the insects are in your house, as they probably are, then you will need to use a powder or spray for the bedding and upholstered furniture too. As a last resort, you can use a flea and tick bomb in your home. But, in this case, the animals will need to stay out of your home for at least 24 hours.

Fleas are a serious concern, and you need to keep them from affecting your pet. If your pet has them, also talk to your vet about treatments he can provide as these are professional strengths that can help. Before they make your pet sick, take measures at the first sign of trouble.

Save Your Furniture, Sanity And Your Cat Claws!

New cats and kittens are a fantastic addition to any family. But after you’ve bought the litter tray, its time to worry about the furniture. You see, cat’s love to scratch. They need to scratch, and if you’re not careful, they can quickly ruin your prized furniture. But before you give up hope, there are things you can do to protect your furniture without having your cat de-clawed.

It would be best if you encouraged your cat to scratch a scratching post rather than your furniture. An understanding of why cats scratch will help us here.

Cats scratch for many reasons. They scratch as a way to exercise and to tone their muscles. They also scratch as a way to stretch. So, they have scent glands in their paws, so cats scratch to scent and mark their territory. Also, they love to dig their claws into the post, (or your furniture!), not because they want to ruin it but as a way to clean and sharpen their claws. Oh, we almost forgot they scratch and claw because it feels so good!!

So you can see that scratching is a cat’s natural behaviour and should be supported and encouraged to keep your cat fit and healthy. If your cat is scratching the furniture, you’ll find that physical punishment does not work and will alienate your cat. Sometimes a stern word or a loud clap will stop kitty while you’re there, but what happens when you’re gone?

For a happy cat and a harmonious household with intact furniture, the following tips may be of use:

The most important thing you can do is to buy a scratching post BEFORE you get the cat. This way, the post will be an integral part of the cat’s environment when it arrives. Once a cat has established behaviour, it’s tough to break.

Ideally, buy more than one post and place them in the areas that you think the cat will use most often. At a minimum place one near where the cat will sleep. Cats love to stretch when they wake up who doesn’t.

Buy a stable post, one that doesn’t wobble and feels very sturdy. Cats dislike instability, and if the post falls over its very unlikely, the cat will ever use that post again. Look for a good solid base, and the post should feel well made – not flimsy.

Place a post in your primary family area. Your cat wants to be part of the family to spend time with you. There’s nothing more beautiful than a cap napping in your lap on a winters day. After a hard hour or so sleeping in your lap its time to stretch. I hope there’s a post nearby or there goes the furniture!

At the outset, you will need to encourage the cat to scratch the post. You don’t need to show your cat how to scratch – it already knows!! Try rubbing some catnip on the post, or tie toys and string on the post. Play with the cat around the post so that it gets used to clawing the post. Trailing wool or string up the spot will encourage scratching and is my favourite method!

Make sure the post is big enough. Your cat should be able to stretch on the post fully, so look at a minimum height of 3 feet. Cats love to dig in their front claws and arch their back to extend their front legs. It isn’t effortless to do if the post is too short. Beware, if the post is too short, then your cat will find out that human furniture is an ideal height!

Play with your cat. Keep it happy and entertained, especially around the posts and it will be less likely to take it out on your furniture!

Finally, get a post that is the course and can be destroyed. Cat’s love rough surfaces. They will happily pull and tear at their post and enjoy watching it deteriorate. Nylon backed carpet makes an excellent post covering, as is sisal rope. A cat can get its claws into both these materials. If you currently have a cat that is scratching and clawing the furniture then look for a post made from a similar material. If you can’t find the ideal’post try making your own.

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